Offcon Is Dead, Long Live Offcon!


There was no official announcement of Offcon 2020 as the event was greatly scaled back because 2020 is 2020, and there’s nothing Murphy hates more than someone making a long-term plan. Despite efforts to avoid it, Murphy made a big showing this year, and for now Offcon is officially dead pending a new location.

Here is the report from Jim about what happened Saturday morning:
OK, here is what happened this morning at Camp Taco. Just after I got out of my tent, I saw a vehicle traveling south on RM361 adjacent to the camp. It said something Police (could not tell who due to bushes). Said vehicle then pulled into our driveway and I saw that it was US Navy Police.

A Lt. got out and asked how I was doing, and then advised that I was trespassing on Navy property. Having not remembered the discussion a year or two about some land out there changing hands, I asked when that happened? He advised that it was in 2016, but the Navy had not started doing anything with the land. A lot of the changes were supposed to happen this year, but Corona slowed some of that down. He was very specific that at this point, his purpose was education. I said that was interesting because we have checked with BLM after 2016 and they made no mention of it. He said yep. The guy was about as nice as he could be about it.

We chatted for darn near 45 minutes. I asked him point blank if I needed to leave and he said yes. He did however say that what I do after he left was not under his control. He also said that there were Navy Environmental people a mile or two north who had seen my camp and reported it to the Navy Police. So I can assume that if I did not leave, there would be a followup visit – and it might not be so pleasant. I fixed and ate my breakfast, did one more drone flight, and packed up. I left Camp Taco for the last time at 1125.

He showed me the map, but said that he could not give me a copy – but he did let me take a photo of the map. That photo is attached.

Here is the attached image of the map.
